Thursday, August 11, 2011

Youth Made Aware of Porn and Exploitation

ROME, JULY 29, 2011 ( The "digital age" generation flocking to Madrid for World Youth Day in a couple week's time will be made aware of one of the darker sides of digital culture: the flourishing business of Internet pornography.

Thanks to an award-winning documentary created by Anteroom Pictures in New York City, the pornography industry will be exposed and analyzed before the young audience.

"Out of the Darkness" features the story of Shelley Lubben, a former sex worker and porn star who left that life behind and converted to Christianity.

The film, winner of the Mystery of Love award at the 2011 John Paul II International Film Festival in Miami, will have an online screening with Morality in Media next Thursday. After that, it's on to World Youth Day in Spain for a screening on Aug. 17.

ZENIT caught up with filmmaker Sean Finnegan, the director and producer of "Out of the Darkness" to talk about the film's message.

Read the interview here.


George Patsourakos said...

Pornography on the Internet has become a billion dollar annual "business." Indeed, Internet pornography has become an addiction in America, considering that many thousands of Americans are willing to pay $25, $50, or even $100 a month to be able to watch it.

Congress has not taken any action to block Internet pornography, because -- as in the case of X-rated movies -- American courts tend to support pornography by considering it to be an "artistic" form of free expression.

The only thing that can really prevent young people -- as well as others -- from viewing Internet pornography is their conscience.

Anonymous said...

Now most of the teen are addict for porn movies. It's true that they are willing to pay $$ for watch porn clips on the web.