Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obama (and Gang) vs Honduran Congress

This week, the Honduran socialist president, seeking to eviscerate his country's constitution in a shameless power-grab, has evoked Obama's true colors, and spread them out like yellow underwear on a backyard clothesline.

Obama's response to the Honduran military removing a dictator-wannabe from office (at the behest, it must be noted, of the Supreme Court and the Honduran Congress), and escorting him to the border, was sure and fast. He declared the military action an "illegal coup" faster than you can say Fidel Castro. And just as quickly the rest of the region's socialist gang chimed in too. The real Castro brothers. Hugo Chavez. Daniel Ortega.

Birds of a feather do tend to flock together.

Read it all here.

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