Monday, June 14, 2010

Pakistan Intelligence Training Taliban

AFP - Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency provides funding, training and sanctuary to the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to a study Sunday which claimed to have the strongest evidence yet of their links.

The report for the London School of Economics (LSE), based on interviews with nine Taliban field commanders in Afghanistan between February and May this year, claims their relationship goes far beyond what is currently known.

"Although the Taliban has a strong endogenous impetus, according to Taliban commanders the ISI orchestrates, sustains and strongly influences the movement," wrote author Matt Waldman, a fellow at Harvard University.

"They say it gives sanctuary to both Taliban and Haqqani groups, and provides huge support in terms of training, funding, munitions, and supplies. In their words, this is 'as clear as the sun in the sky'."

Waldman said the ISI appears to exert "significant influence" on strategic decision-making and field operations of the Taliban and controls the most violent insurgent units, some of which appear to be based in Pakistan.

Insurgent commanders claimed the ISI was even officially represented, as participants or observers, on the Taliban supreme leadership council, he said.

The report also alleges that Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari himself had assured captive, senior Taliban leaders that they were "our people" and had his backing. He had apparently authorised some to be released from prison.

It concludes that efforts by the Afghan government and NATO-led forces to end the insurgency in Afghanistan will only be possible with Pakistani support.

From here.

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