Monday, June 14, 2010

Madagascar's Unique Rosewood Illegally Logged

9 June - The political chaos and trade embargo on Madagascar has caused the current coup leadership to promote illegal logging. Several endangered trees now face extinction, scientists warn.

"Political and social chaos and a lack of international protections have put several species of rosewood trees in Madagascar in danger of becoming extinct from illegal logging," according to a policy forum paper in the latest issue of the journal 'Science'.

"Forty-seven of Madagascar's 48 species of rosewood are found nowhere else in the world," said author Meredith Barrett of the US Duke University. Several of these rosewood species now could face extinction, she warns.

Madagascar's military-backed change in leadership last year and a lucrative rosewood market based largely in China have created a dangerous situation for the endangered trees and the habitat that surrounds them, Ms Barrett said.

Read it all here.

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