Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ethics Forum Has a New Format

Beginning in August 2019, Ethics Forum will have a new format. It will be more aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. This blog has been around for eleven years and it is time for a fresher look!

Additionally, we will approach ethics thematically. Each month will focus on one theme. Perhaps you noticed that we explored the theme of aliens and extraterrestrial life in July. A few articles about politics were woven in to prepare for the August focus on political discourse and concerns about manipulation.

In September, we will consider global terrorism. Please suggest additional themes that you would like to explore.

Readers are invited to suggest themes of interest in the comment box. If you have written something that relates to the announced theme of the month and would like to have it published here, send it to Alice C. Linsley, aproeditor-at-gmail-dot-com

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

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