Monday, March 30, 2015

Quote of the Week - Fr. Thomas Hopko

"In his actions in and toward the world of his creation, the one God and Father reveals himself primarily and essentially in a 'masculine' way."-- Fr. Thomas Hopko (Women and the Priesthood, p. 240)

Father Hopko contributed much to the conversation about women in ministry, while upholding the Church's tradition of the all male priesthood. His podcasts are available to hear at Ancient Faith Radio.

Hopko died of complications from congestive heart failure due to amyloidosis on March 18, 2015, in Wexford, Pennsylvania. May he repose in peace and rise in glory.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus chose 12 men, but no women, to serve as His Apostles. Also, Jesus believed that only men should be priests.

    Why? Because Jesus did not want women to have to go through the stress, stamina, and sensitivity that the role of a priest entails (for example, conducting funeral services).
