Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quote of the Week - St. John of Kronstadt

"When the darkness of the accursed one [the devil] covers you — doubt, despondency, despair, disturbance — then only call with your whole heart upon the sweetest name of Jesus Christ, and in Him you shall find all — light, strengthening, trust, comfort, and peace; in Him you shall find the greatest mercy, goodness and bountifulness; all these mercies you will find contained in His name alone, as though in a rich treasury."--St. John of Kronstadt


  1. Human beings can always call on Jesus to help them, regardless of how bad they are feeling.

    Indeed, Christians will find the love and mercy of Jesus to be a panacea in resolving their greatest problems.

  2. Amen!

    The panacea HE offers is reached through repentance.
