Sunday, January 6, 2013

White House Petitioned to Label Catholic Church a Hate Group

WASHINGTON — An online petition asking the White House to designate the Catholic Church as a “hate group” for its views on marriage is drawing criticism for generating unjust animosity.

The petition reveals an “underlying agenda,” which is not simply to prevent violent crimes, but to “stigmatize any disapproval of homosexuality at all and essentially to silence us,” said Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council in Washington.

He explained to Catholic News Agency on Jan. 3 that applying the “hate group” label to organizations that are morally opposed to redefining marriage is simply “name-calling designed to cut us out of the public debate.”

Initiated on Christmas Day, a petition on the White House website had collected 1,640 signatures by Jan. 3.

Read it all here.

Related reading:  Genesis and Homosex: Beyond Sodom


  1. It probably won't be taken seriously (then again this administration is attacking the church) but I'm not surprised. Political correctness is a Christian heresy, Christian values (standing up for the weak and oppressed, etc.) with the theology warped, a logical endpoint for the mainline Protestants who founded our country; it's largely replaced their denominations. That mainline majority has always feared the church: the Know-Nothing riots, the '20s Klan afraid of immigrants competing for their jobs, and as recently as 1960 with Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State, afraid of a Catholic takeover with President Kennedy and the government subsidizing Catholic schools (and the Episcopalians backing Polish and Italian parish schisms and now doing 'Hispanic outreach': trying to 'Americanize' immigrants by separating them from Rome). Be it (ex-)mainline or hardshell Baptist, no-popery's part of American culture. When you get lots of flak, you're on target.

  2. Interesting. It seems the heat has been turned up since the Roman Catholic Church has started cleaning house. Did you see this?
