Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bishops Respond to Gen. Synod's Failure to Pass Measure on Women Bishops

The failure of the General Synod to agree on the legislation to allow for the ordaining of women bishops reflects Synod’s lack of consensus over this matter. It has uncovered a stubborn unease, particularly among lay people, about the Measure that was presented.

Acutely aware of the profound anguish that will now be felt by so many, we believe that it is wise at this point to refrain from analysis of the past or speculation about what the future might hold.

These are testing times for the Church of England. We pray that we who, between us, have held different opinions on this great matter will be able to find in each other the wisdom and humility we shall need to build a common future.

+Tony Pontefract

+John Plymouth

on behalf of the Bishops of The Society of S. Wilfrid and S. Hilda

The result was:

In favour of female bishops

Bishops: 44
Clergy: 148
Laity: 132


Bishops: 3
Clergy: 45
Laity: 74


Bishops: 2
Clergy: 0
Laity: 0

The legislation needed a two-third majority in all three houses of the General Synod to pass. It did not achieve this two-thirds majority in the House of Laity, and so the legislation was defeated.

1 comment:

  1. "For tis the sport to have the enginer Hoist with his owne petar".
