Monday, April 2, 2012

Bin Laden's Wives Sentenced

Three of Osama Bin Laden's wives and two of his eldest daughters were convicted in Pakistani court of illegal residency on Monday.

Agence France-Presse reports that the women received a 45-day jail term and a fine of 10,000 rupees ($114) each. The sentence, however, will likely be back-dated to early March, when the trial first began, meaning the five will likely be deported to their countries of citizenship in two weeks.

Two of the widows are believed to be from Saudi Arabia, while the other is from Yemen, and are thought to currently reside with all of their children—a total estimate of about 10—in a secret house in Islamabad, where they will serve out the sentence, the BBC reports. Only children older than age 12 were charged.

Read it all here.

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