Saturday, March 24, 2012

Abdul Sattar Edhi: Next Nobel Peace Prize Winner?

Edhi has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. That's good news!

The news from Pakistan is often disturbing and gives Westerners a distorted view of the good people of Pakistan.  Anglican Bishop, the Rev. Dr. Ijaz Inayat, called this to my attention and I pass it along. I became friends with Bishop Inayat about 6 years ago through The Global South Anglican website.

Pakistani mystic Abdul Sattar Edhi, 84, gave up everything to devote his life to helping Pakistan's poorest. He believes that Humanity's well-being must be the highest priority of all religions. He established Pakistan's largest network of shelters. None who come to the shelters is turned away.  He also founded ambulance services that help injured and sick people regardless of their religion or social class.

He says, "People have become educated, but have not become human."

Listen to his story here.

Related reading:  Quote of the Week; The Pakistan Most Americans Don't Know; Abdul Sattar Edhi: The next Nobel Prize winner?

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