Monday, February 27, 2012

Quote of the Week - St. Filoret of Russia

“As long as your faith resides in the Word of God and in the Creed, then your faith belongs to God, His prophets, Apostles, and Fathers of the Church and not to you. When you hold your faith in your thoughts and memory, then you begin to acquire it as your own; but I still fear for your acquisition [of it], because the living faith in your thoughts is, perhaps, still only a token of that treasure you have yet to receive, that is the living power of faith.”--St. Filoret of Russia


  1. Our Christian faith is such a powerful force that it belongs to God, His prophets, Apostles, and Fathers of the Church, rather than to ourselves.

    The fact is that we are unable to effectively understand the unlimited and supernatural power of faith.

  2. I was struck by that profound thought myself, George. Our faith belongs to God. It is God's gift to us and our duty to preserve.
