Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Canada's Bill C-30

Bill C-30 , also known as the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, introduced in the House of Commons on 14 February 2012 by Canada's minister for public safety, Vic Toews.

"The fight against online child pornography is a legitimate aim, but it should not be waged at the expense of protecting rights and freedoms on the Internet," the press freedom organization said.

"By rubber stamping excessive monitoring of all Web users and allowing the authorities to obtain information about users without a warrant, Bill C-30 goes much too far. The fight against cyber crime should not be carried out at the expense of respect for people's private lives and the presumption of innocence."

The bill beefs up the existing legal framework for accessing users' personal information and gives the police greater rights to fight cyber crime.

Internet and cell phone service providers could be forced to provide tools to monitor and record subscribers' communications.

Armed with a warrant, authorities could obtain records of the online activities of users for the preceding 90 days.

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