Wednesday, November 23, 2011

3 American Students Arrested in Cairo

From The Slatest

Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 10:07 a.m. The Egyptian protests show no signs of stopping as they enter their fourth day on Tuesday. The big news out of Cairo, at least for many U.S. papers, is that three Americans have been arrested for allegedly taking part in the violent demonstrations that threaten to delay next Monday's parliamentary elections.

The Washington Post reports that state-run television broadcast a video showing the three Americans "lined up against a wall, with identification cards from the American University in Cairo, credit cards and an Indiana driver’s license spread out on a table."

A university spokeswoman IDed two of the detained students as 21-year-old Luke Gates of Indiana University and 19-year-old Gregory Porter of Drexel University. The third student, who attends Georgetown University, was not identified because his parents had not yet been notified.

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