Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Anglican Woman Priest Swam the Tiber

Una Kroll, former GP and an Anglican priest, was known as a campaigners for women’s ordination. She recently gave up her ministry to become a Catholic. She explains why she made that choice.

“just before Advent 2008 I became a Roman Catholic, not on impulse but after at least five years of trying to discern God’s will…”

Kroll disliked some aspects of the Catholic Church, such as interpretations about “the exercise of papal and magisterial authority. Nonetheless, she is went to Romen and explains, "I am there, knowing that I cannot exercise a liturgical diaconal or priestly ministry, nor can I share in decision-making…”

Read the whole article here.

Una is the sixth former female that I know of who set aside the priesthood after a journey in which God moved her to do so.  The six are evenly divided:  three became Eastern Orthodox and three became Roman Catholics.  There may be other women who have left the priesthood, but I only know of six.

1 comment:

  1. Many worshipers in the Anglican Church -- including some of its ministers -- have converted to the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Church in recent years, because the latter two churches provide a more serious approach in retaining Christian doctrine and tradition.
