Sunday, August 14, 2011

China Given Access to US Copter

WASHINGTON, Aug 14: A US intelligence official has alleged that Pakistan allowed Chinese military engineers to photograph and take samples from a top-secret stealth helicopter that US special forces left behind after the Abbottabad raid which killed Osama bin Laden.

The Financial Times quoted the official as saying on Sunday: “The action is the latest incident to underscore the increasingly complicated relationship and lack of trust between Islamabad and Washington following the raid.”

The newspaper quoted the unidentified official as accusing the ISI of playing a key role in giving the Chinese access to the downed helicopter.

The Chinese engineers were allowed to survey the wreckage and take its photographs, he said. They also took samples of its special “stealth” skin that allowed the American team to enter Pakistan undetected by radar, the official claimed.

Read it all here.

1 comment:

  1. It does not surprise me one iota that Pakistan allowed Chinese military engineers to photograph and take samples from a top secret U.S. stealth helicopter, despite being told by U.S. intelligence officials not to do so.

    The fact is that Pakistan -- despite wearing an insincere "friendly mask" in order to continue to receive American money and support -- has in reality become an American-hating radical Muslim country that cannot be trusted. Did the U.S. already forget that Osama bin Laden was hiding near the capital of Pakistan for several years before Americans killed him?

    As I said on several previous occasions, American government officials must not trust Pakistan.

    When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?
