Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pro-life Youth Push Back Against UN

Lauren Funk

NEW YORK July 21 (CFAM) A new-media skirmish broke out today with pro-life students flooding the Twitter topics associated with the upcoming UN youth conference. Pro-life participants engaged the UN youth conversation starting at noon today and for an hour dominated the conversation.

Twitter is a new social media platform that allows users to broadcast instant messages of no longer than 140 characters. This is part of what may be an exciting few days at UN headquarters when the world meets to discuss young people and what they need.

A strong contingent of pro-life youth have organized under the banner of the International Youth Coalition. Pro-life students were largely frozen out of the official UN meeting. Dozens of young people from pro-life groups were given acceptance letters that were later revoked. Still, the group has found a way to have their voices heard, including through Twitter.

A number of nationally renowned speakers will join youth fellows and members of the International Youth Coalition in a series of events promoting life and human dignity at this year’s United Nations High Level Meeting on Youth.

From here.

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