Monday, July 11, 2011

PC Spokeswomen Love Hathor but Distain Breast Feeding. Go Figure!

Alice C. Linsley

The inconsistency of feminists amazes me.  They want their cake as women and they want to eat it too as something other than women.  Men maybe?

PC spokeswoman Catherine Price writes, "Given my own experience with dairy goats, I find it hard to believe that they would agreeably give suck to anything. (Or, for that matter, that any responsible nurse would leave an infant face-up under one.)"

Price has written a really demeaning article. Here is a portion:

Barnard history professor Deborah Valenze shares this curiosity, judging from her comprehensive and scholarly new book Milk: A Global and Local History, which covers everything from milk's role in mythology to its effects on animal husbandry to its transformation into cheese. In her telling, a key element of milk's strange history involves the very tension I experienced in the goat pen, namely, humans' ultimately futile desire to separate ourselves from beasts. Sure, we have complex thoughts, and these convenient, opposable thumbs. Yet sooner or later our bosoms will betray us, because when it comes to how we nourish our offspring, humans and other mammals are the same. That's part of the reason human attitudes toward breast milk have always been so complicated: We can strap our breasts down in sports bras or dress them in sexy lingerie, but at the end of the day, we're still walking around with udders on our chests."

The cow was the symbol of the most widely worshipped goddess of the ancient world. Her name was originally Hathor and later Isis. She was called the mother of the "son of God" among Abraham's Kushite ancestors at Nekhen, Heliopolis (NXN) and Karnak. The same women who are likely to point with pride to goddess worship in the ancient world distain breast feeding; one of the many ironies of the politically correct.

Related reading:  The Paradox of Feminism

1 comment:

  1. Feminism became popular in the early 1970s, mainly because of a popular book written by Betty Friedan called "The Feminine Mystique."

    In her book, Friedan emphasizes that women should be equal with men in all aspects of life. This book -- resulting in the "women's liberation" movement in the early 1970s -- caused an upsurge in divorces and the breakup of a plethora of families. (Betty Friedan herself got a divorce.)

    Fortunately, by the 1980s, the vast majority of women saw the shortcomings of the lifestyle recommended by Friedan and a few other radical "women's libbers," who tried to spread the idea that men were "the enemy" of women. Most women wisely rejected feminism and lived by the traditional family lifestyle.

    While there was one idea that feminists advocated that was and continues to be justified -- namely, equal pay for equal work -- the rest of the ideas feminists recommended were not worth a hill of beans.
