Thursday, June 2, 2011

The World's Oldest Known Museum

In 1925, archaeologist Leonard Woolley discovered a curious collection of artifacts while excavating a Babylonian palace. They were from many different times and places, and yet they were neatly organized and even labeled. Woolley had discovered the world's first museum.

It's easy to forget that ancient peoples also studied history - Babylonians who lived 2,500 years ago were able to look back on millennia of previous human experience. That's part of what makes the museum of Princess Ennigaldi so remarkable. Her collection contained wonders and artifacts as ancient to her as the fall of the Roman Empire is to us. But it's also a grim symbol of a dying civilization consumed by its own vast history.

Read it all here.

1 comment:

  1. Just as a Babylonian museum 2,500 years ago seems ancient to us today, so too will an American museum of the 21st century seem ancient to people who will be living 2,500 years from now. But that's the drama of history -- a drama that lasts ad infinitum!
