Friday, May 6, 2011

Bishop Ackerman Responds to News of Provincial Visitors in C of E

May 6, 2011

Bishop Keith L Ackerman ssc

Forward in Faith North America rejoices over the appointment of two distinguished Catholic priests in the Church of England to be Provincial Episcopal Visitors. The Episcopal Church in the United States of America would have done well to have adopted the graciousness of the Church of England in providing specific care for those who maintain the Historic Faith, which includes maintaining the received position regarding one of the Sacraments of the Church, namely Holy Orders. Sadly the lack of charity in the Episcopal Church has resulted in unholy disorder. As Anglicanism in North America continues to realign, one wonders what would have happened had the Episcopal Church exercised the same spirit of graciousness extended at this time in England, rather than litigation and depositions of Traditionalists. Forward in Faith North America prays mightily for Fr Banks and Fr Baker, both of whom are held in the highest regard by Anglo Catholics in the United States. They will serve as Bishops in the Church at a time where they will be mightily tested and tried. As learned men formed in the Catholic Tradition, may God use them mightily as Successors to the Apostles in a world that desperately needs to hear the Truth being proclaimed, and the fruits of the Truth being lived.

X Keith L Ackerman

Source: Forward in Faith

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