Saturday, April 2, 2011

Disconnect Between Piety and True Discipleship

Rollen Frederick Stewart in many ways personifies the disconnect between religious piety and true Christian discipleship.  His may be an extreme case, but American society is full of less extreme examples. Here's something to ponder!

After a born-again experience, Stewart set about to proclaim the message.  He was called the John 3:16 man. He was a fixture in American sports culture best known for wearing a rainbow colored afro-style wig and, holding up signs reading "John 3:16" at sporting events around the United States and overseas in the 1970s and 1980s.

Stewart was briefly jailed by Moscow police at the 1980 Olympic Games. In the late 1980s, he was responsible for stink bomb attacks and his targets included Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathderal, Trinity Christian Broadcasting, and a Christian bookstore.
Rollen Frederick Stewart is currently serving three consecutive life sentences on kidnapping charges.  Read more about him here.

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