Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Transgenders Suing NYC

At least three transgender people are suing the City of New York for discrimination because they cannot change the gender listed on their birth certificate. New York requires people to have sex change surgery and a subsequent psychiatric examination before it will alter birth certificates.

However, the plaintiffs say that many transgender cannot afford surgery and that "transitioning" with hormones or other treatment ought to be enough.

"We have an unemployment rate twice the national average and four times the national average of people who live on less than $10,000 a year," said Mara Keisling, of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Part of the problem is people are less employable because they don't have IDs that match who they are. It's tied together in a cycle."

Other jurisdictions are more lenient, according to an AP story. "Washington state requires only a doctor's or psychologist's note attesting to "appropriate clinical treatment" to change the gender on a driver's license. Illinois agreed in 2009 to develop new standards for how much surgery is required before a person is eligible to switch the gender of a birth certificate. And the US State Department announced last year that transgender travelers no longer will need surgery -- just a doctor's certification of appropriate treatment -- to declare a new gender on a passport." ~ AP, March 22

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