Monday, October 4, 2010

World Youth Conference Promoted Radicalism

The United Nation Youth Conference was radical in every sense of the word.  That is it aimed at the root (radix) of human society: the father-mother-child relationship.

The Aug. 23-27 World Youth Conference in León, Mexico featured sexually explicit brochures, an exhibit with sex toys and a youth-produced manifesto calling for gender redefinition.

“They know that if they introduce sexuality at a younger and younger age they have a great chance at taking our children from us,” Ruse said.

Launched in August with a theme of “dialogue and mutual understanding,” the International Year of Youth “aims to promote the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and solidarity across generations, cultures, religions and civilizations,” according to a U.N. release. Three overarching objectives are identified: increasing commitment and investment in youth; increasing youth participation and partnerships, and increasing intercultural understanding among youth.

But Ruse and Catholic Family (C-Fam) point to sexual indoctrination and gender confusion too.

The gathering in Mexico, an initiative of the Mexico government, featured three conferences — one each for youth, governments and parliamentarians — and an exhibit titled the Global Interactive Forum.

Catholic Family's concern prior to the conference was the document that more than 100 government delegations — including the Holy See — were going to be asked to endorse. A U.N. member state provided C-FAM with an advance copy of the document draft — and they didn’t like what they saw.

“This document strikes right at the heart of the parent-child bond,” Ruse wrote in a fundraising letter prior to the conference. “It demands radical and complete autonomy for young people, separate from their parents. The document doesn’t even use the hated word ‘parent.’”

Read it all here.

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