Monday, October 25, 2010

Christian School Grads not To Receive Credit at UC

The United States Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal from the Association of Christian Schools International challenging the University of California’s decision to deny credit for college-prep courses deemed to be based on religious rather than educational merit. The Justices made no comment on their ruling.

Among the classes in question were courses in biology, history, English and religion. In a testimony before the court, one UC professor accused the biology texts of teaching students to reject any science that seems to contradict the Bible.

The case was first brought before the U.S. District Court in 2008, where Judge James Otero ruled in favor of the university. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the decision in January.

UC officials have praised the ruling and point out that the school’s rate of approval is similar for both religious and secular schools.

For more, see the story “Christian schools lose appeal bid in UC case” from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Simple solution: Don't apply to UC.  Go to Christian colleges like Wheaton, or if you embrace all theories of evolution, go to Calvin College.

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