Monday, August 23, 2010

Should Cosmetic Industry for Teens be Regulated?

Australia may crack down on the billion-dollar cosmetic surgery industry's pitch for teenage business. According to the Sunday Age, a government report recommends that teens have mandatory psychological examinations and a three-month cooling-off period.

Incentives such as gifts, discounts or loans would be banned together with advertising using "before and after" shots of breast enlargements, nose jobs and tummy tucks.

The Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council says there is a "disturbing trend" in young people seeking cosmetic surgery and treatments such as Botox, liposuction and laser therapy. "Demand for such procedures is fuelled by lifestyle choices to enhance physical appearance and boost confidence, rather than medical need," the report states.

At the moment, any registered doctor can advertise as a cosmetic surgeon. The report recommends that only doctors formally trained in plastic surgery be allowed to describe themselves as cosmetic surgeons. ~ Sydney Morning Herald, Aug 15

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