Friday, August 6, 2010

Patriarch Kirill: Fires Reminder to Repent

Diveyevo, August 2, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has urged believers to pray for rains.

Do natural disasters move people to repent and turn to God? Only if you believe that God is sovereign in all things, something that most people in the secualr West don't believe.  So this following message out of Russia will seem stupid to such people. 

"I am urging all the faithful sons and daughters of the Russian Orthodox Church to unite in one prayer to God that he send rains to our scorched soil," Patriarch Kirill told believers on the square in front of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the St. Seraphim Monastery in Diveyevo.

The Patriarch said that the strongest prayers should be said on August 2, the Elijah the Prophet Day, whom people usually pray for rains in Russia.

Patriarch Kirill also urged all to aid the fire victims. Donations, clothing and utensils will be accepted for the fire victims at all Russian Orthodox churches in the coming three days, he said, adding that councils responsible for the consolidated raising of donations will be set up in each parish.

The current environmental disaster is God's reminder that people must reform and repent on their sins.

From here.

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