Monday, August 16, 2010

Jordan Aid to Stricken Pakistan

AMMAN, Aug 15: A Jordanian plane carrying 3.5 tons of food and medical supplies left for Pakistan on Sunday to help aid millions of people hit by devastating floods, an official said.

“The plane also carries a 25-member medical team, including nine doctors, as well as 21,000 typhoid and cholera vaccines,” Brigadier Mohammad Mheisen of Jordan’s Royal Medical Services told the state-run Petra news agency.

Prince Rashed bin Hassan, King Abdullah II’s cousin and president of the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organisation’s board of trustees, said the kingdom would send more aid to Pakistan during Ramazan, according to Petra.

The United Nations has appealed for $460 million to deal with the immediate aftermath of the floods, estimating that over 14 million have been affected and that 1,600 have died.

Waters are still high and the United Nations has said that at least 36,000 people were reportedly suffering from acute diarrhoea.—AFP

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