Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obama Hosts Saudi King

U.S. President Barack Obama faces a tough diplomatic test Tuesday when he hosts Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, who wants to see more action and fewer words for a new Arab state in place of Israel’s post-1967 borders. Iran and the price of oil also are on the agenda.

The Arab world has increasingly expressed disappointment with President Obama since his “reaching out to Muslims” speech in Cairo a year ago. "The king wants to have from Obama the assurance that he is going to solve the [Middle East peace] issue," according to Khaled Al-Maeena, editor of the Saudi daily Arab News and a member of the king's delegation who was quoted by Reuters.

Read it all here.

Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Adel A. Al-Jubeir, said “the two leaders held comprehensive and productive talks on a wide range of issues of mutual interest and common concern.”

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