Sunday, May 9, 2010

Christians Don't Always Uphold Holy Tradition

Here’s an interesting phenomenon: Christians supporting choice for Voluntary Euthanasia. This is an Australian group, with its own website, which promotes euthanasia for Christians of all denominations. One of the founders, Trevor Bensch, is a Baptist minister. It began in 2009 to lobby for euthanasia in the state of South Australia.

The website declares that it is alarming that most opposition to euthanasia comes from Christians, particularly “fundamentalists”. Euthanasia, it argues, is Biblically based. The Rev Bensch points out that “Interpreting selected passages of the Bible… is a personal matter for the individual” and that the term “sanctity of life” appears nowhere in it. Catholics would probably be the most resistant to this argument, but the website quotes Australian philosopher, Max Charlesworth and German theologian Hans Küng, both of whom support the notion of dying with dignity.

From here.
This is what happens when "Christians" become estranged from Holy Tradition with its binary distinctions between life and death. God wants us to uphold the distinctions so that the line between the two is never blurred, so that we are never confused (as these folks are) about which direction to turn.

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