Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tyco's Code of Conduct

Chris MacDonald attended a conference where he listened to Tyco's VP and Chief Compliance Counsel speaks about why that company requiree all employees to sign the Code of Conduct.  Here's what MacDonald wrote:

Tanzer's talk was about the very sophisticated program Tyco has in place to train its roughly 110,000 employees on ethics & compliance. Tyco's program includes a "Vital Values" newsletter, online training modules, and having 100% of its employes — many of them in far-flung branch offices in something like 60 countries — sign the company's Code of Conduct every year. My initial critical thought about the latter: how much value is there in having people merely sign a Code of Conduct. Signing doesn't reliably indicate understanding. But Tanzer's justification was a good one: the ordeal involved in achieving a 100% signature rate signals commitment. In his words, "It says to employees that we're serious about this." Add to that the fact that something like 50,000 employees go through online training every year, and you start to see that Tyco does take this stuff seriously.

Read more here.

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