Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Generation Gap Over Abortion?

Matt and Pat Archibold make the following observation about the Feminist reaction to the MTV show on teen pregnancy.

You might know the MTV show “16 and Pregnant,” which to its credit does show that getting pregnant isn’t all that great as an unmarried teen. But the show is being criticized by some self declared feminists who believe the show isn’t keeping it real enough.

Guess what they want? Come on. One guess. Ding Ding. More abortions!

Jessica Valenti, the creator of the Feministing blog, asked “Where are the pregnant teens who choose not to stay pregnant? Where are the abortions?”

She points out that nearly a third of teen pregnancies end in abortion yet the show has gone a full season with two adoptions but no abortions.

But if that’s going to happen, which I’m sure it will eventually (It is Mtv after all!) I think it will backfire terribly on the pro-choicers if the reality of abortion is actually shown.

If there’s going to be “reality show abortions” let’s show that what pro-choicers call a “blob of tissue” is in reality a small human being. Let’s hear them try to call the baby “a fetus” after America sees exactly what is being aborted.

And after the abortion let’s show how sick the girl is. And let’s keep the camera following the girl around for weeks as she confronts the guilt that she’s killed her child. But the pro-choicers don’t want that much reality.

They know that theirs is an ideology best practiced in the dark where they can still get away with their “blob of tissue” descriptions of babies and their slippery use of the word “choice” to describe a human life.

Read it all here.
I wonder if there isn't a generation gap on the issue?  Most outspoken Feminists were teens in the 60s and 70s.  The generation that watches MTV is much more tolerant of pregnancy among peers than these older Feminists.

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