Wednesday, March 3, 2010

UK Lifts Ban on Gay Marriage in Churches

March 3, 2010:  A ban on gay marriage in churches has been lifted by the House of Lords

Gay couples will be able to marry in church after the House of Lords last night lifted a ban on same sex unions in religious premises.

The vote wipes out one of the final distinctions between marriage and civil partnerships.

It provoked warnings that it would undermine the institution of marriage.

The move - backed by some Church of England bishops - was hailed as a breakthrough last night by gay rights campaigners.

But it is seen by church traditionalists as a damaging step on the road to forcing churches to marry gay people against their will.

It is likely to be opposed by the Pope, who has already criticised government policies on homosexuality, when he makes his first visit as Pontiff to the UK later this year.

The amendment to the Equality Bill does not force churches to accept civil partnership ceremonies.

But it lifts the barrier that had been in place preventing homosexual blessings in churches and also the prohibition on religious language being used in such ceremonies.

Read it all here.

Editor's Note:  Clergy who perform same-sex "marriages" will be in violation of God's order of creation.  Further, as most homosexual couples are NOT monogamous, these clergy will be endorsing a promiscuous lifestyle and putting the lie to any vows that express fidelity.

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