Saturday, March 13, 2010

Protestant Devotion to Mary

David Mills, in his latest book, Discovering Mary, helps us linger in the domain of Mary by opening up to us the riches of divine revelation, both from tradition and Scripture. Mills, a convert from the Episcopal Church, former editor of the Christian journal Touchstone and editor of the 1998 book of essays commemorating the centennial of C.S. Lewis’ birth The Pilgrim’s Guide: C. S. Lewis and the Art of Witness, as well as the author of Knowing the Real Jesus (2001), has written a rock-solid introduction to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and done so with intellectual rigor and an affable tone.

His book begins with an introduction in which he describes how he came to discover the riches of the Church’s teachings on Mary: “I began to see how a sacred vessel is made holy by the sacred thing it carries,” he writes. “I began to feel this in a way I had not before. I found myself developing an experiential understanding of Mary and indeed a Marian devotion. Which surprised me. It surprised me a lot.”

Read it all here.
Editor's Note:  In icons Mary is often shown holding the Christ between two angels. This reflects that she is holy and in God's presence, even as God was conceived within her womb (the true Ark of the Covenant). This is the fulfillment of the image of the two angels facing each other with wings extended over the old Ark of the Covenant, which prefigured the Theotokos. In both images, God dwells between the angels.

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