Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Case of Agape

Wanda Poltawska was 17 when the German army overran her country.

She was 18 when Nazi doctors used her as a guinea pig for experimental surgical techniques at the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

She studied medicine and psychiatry in the difficult years after the war, trying to understand how human beings could sink to such barbarism.

But when she was stricken with cancer at age 40, a still greater tragedy loomed for her and her young children.

Then two saints stepped in.

The young bishop Karol Wojtyla wrote personally to St. Pio of Pietrelcina to ask for his intercession. “This one we can’t say no to,” said Padre Pio on reading the letter. When the cure came, the doctors called it “inexplicable.” Wanda knew better.

Read it all here.

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