Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swat Christians Urged to Flee

Karachi: May 4, 2009. (PCP report) International forums are expressing concerns on mass enforced migration of hundreds of thousands of Christians from Swat Valley and other parts of NWFP where a Taliban uprising and Sharia law have empowered religious extremists and militants to demand Jizyia (Islamic tax on non-Muslims) from Christians and other religious minorities.

The voice of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC was also heard in a session of Standing Committee on Minorities of National Assembly of Pakistan when members of NA Committee met chaired by Hindu selected member of National Assembly by Pakistan Peoples Party PPP Dr. Mahesh Kumar Malani, here today in Islamabad.

NA Standing Committee on Minorities advised organs of Federal Minority Ministry to provide shelter and food to displaced minority community members from Swat, Dir, Malakand, Boneir, Mardan, FATA and other parts of NWFP.

The recent developments and actions taken by government of Pakistan are happening after Pakistan Christian Congress PCC filed petition with UNO Offices in New York to grant Refugee Status to Pakistani Christians in February 2009, unless government of Pakistan denied any mass migration of Christians to Punjab and Sindh provinces after Taliban imposed Jizyia and threatened 'Convert to Islam or die'.

Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC welcomed International Communities’ assurances to provide assistance in rehabilitation of migrated Christian families from Swat and NWFP.

"The NA Committee meeting is good sign by government of Pakistan to accept facts on ground but Pakistani Christians do not trust promises of administration because Federal Minority Ministry of Pakistan is led by one very weak minister who have been claiming that Christians are enjoying equal rights in Pakistan” said Nazir S. Bhatti.

Dr. Nazir Bhatti said “20 million Pakistani Christians have no confidence in Shahbaz Bhatti, Federal Minister for Minorities because he have damaged the cause of Christians and misled the international community with his statements on behalf of the government while he is not elected by Christian voters but selected by PPP”.

In a telephonic address to PCC members in Karachi, Nazir Bhatti advised PCC workers to contact displaced families and manage data for International Forums which are ready to assist displaced Christian families of Swat valley and NWFP.

Nazir Bhatti appealed to the remaining Christian families in Swat, Malakand, Bonir, Dir, Mardan, Sawabi, Charsadda, FATA and other parts of NWFP where Taliban insurgency is on uprising to migrate to safer places.

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