Saturday, May 9, 2009

Anglican Bishops on Eviseration of Covenant

Kondo, sudan: seems to me section 4 is the most accept this resolution is to mean we will debate this issue again and again…

Anis: without section 4...we can not call the covenant a is section 4 that makes the whole covenant a covenant...the crisis we are going through now is because of the absolute autonomy that this covenant with 123 and 4 affirms the interdependence...we are a communion with autonomy...i would appeal that you would vote against this b/c 1. if we accept this we will lose a great chance to be united...i assure you that there are churches that affirm the whole covenant...and the communion will be divided...if we don’t approve 1234 together...if we wait 10 years we will never get a perfect covenant...the cdg has worked for 3 years very hard..they have broght us a good covenant...we can not undermine the work of the cdg...section 4 is from lambeth and the responses of the diocese/provinces...all that has been done is the commentary has been brought in..its not truet that it hasn’t received any is the outcome of a lot of study…

SE Asia, Stanley Isaac. I want to say that this resolution a should be rejected because it would be disastrous to send to the provinces the text of the covenant without 4 because it would mean nothing for all the rest of us who have been waiting for this document to find a ray of hope for a problem that has divided the communion and embarrassed the churches. This is a defining moment for the communion, We grab it or we dont. It would be a way of united the communion once again in the bond of Christ and truly regard ourselves as one body. That will be a unity only in the past if we do not pass section 4...We have not been taken by surpruse by section 4. I want to express the appreciation of my province we feel disappointed that the concerns to tighten up the appendix, was watered down. We think it is a weak provision of measure for achieving a soluton to the problem. Allow this full text to go forward..

Read the rest here.

Rowan William submarined the last hope of Anglican unity.

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