Sunday, April 5, 2009

Swat Girl Flogged in Public

The Taliban strikes against women... again and again. Last year five women were buried alive in Baluchistan. There is little justice or protection for women in Swat now that the Taliban has managed to have Sharia Law put into effect.

Pakistan and the world is stunned by brutal public flogging of a 17 year old girl in Swat on Friday, April 3. The gruesome video is here if you want to watch this atrocity.

The amateur video, apparently shot on a mobile phone, shows the girl, wearing a blue burqa, lying on the ground face down. Her legs, hands and head are held by two men and a third, bearded man wearing a turban is shown whipping her repeatedly.

After the first couple of lashes, the girl starts to scream loudly, but no one moves to help her. “Please, please,” she shouts in Pushto. “Stop it, please. For God’s sake, stop it, I am dying.”

A man off-camera is giving orders to his companions. “Hold her feet tightly. Lift her burqa a bit.”The public flogging continued for several minutes, after which the wailing girl is dragged by a group of armed men to a nearby building.

Swat Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan told some TV channels that it was the work of Taliban. He termed the action justified, saying that the girl had been seen out of her house with a man who was not her husband and it was enough to punish her for what he said was an ‘un-Islamic’ act.

Read a full report here.

Pray for the women of Swat. Christ our God is their only protection.

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