Sunday, April 19, 2009

Change Clock or Change Work Schedule?

In summer sun rises early & sets late, by changing schedule of working hours in summer an hour earlier means people would be back home earlier. And people can save energy used for lighting at home by going early to bed as now they can do their home activities (cooking, eating, family & friends gathering) in sunlight.

It can be achieved in two ways

First; By changing clock hours in summer & winter while keeping the schedule of working hours same.

Second; By changing schedule of working hours in Summer & winter while keeping the clock hours same.

So don’t confuse yourself that forwarding the clock in summer & back in winter is the only way to achieve energy saving. You can achieve this by changing schedule of working hours as well.

In America people feel comfortable in changing the clock while keeping working schedule same.
And in Pakistan people feel comfortable in changing the working schedule while keeping the clock same.

Both methods serve the same purpose, saving the energy. So in my point of view theres no need to confuse the people in Pakistan by forcing them to adopt first method. People in Pakistan are already familiar with second method having different school timings (even our labour class) in summer & winter.

Why in Pakistan changing of clock adversely affects the routine life of the common people?
Read the rest of this entry »

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