Thursday, March 12, 2009

Egyptian Blogger Released

(ANHRI/IFEX) - The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) reports that the state security prosecution has decided to release blogger Mohammed Adel (whose blog is nicknamed "dead", ), after his kidnapping, arrest and accusations in the hands of the state security, in case no. 1414 for the year 2008 at the Supreme State Security Court.

On 30 November 2008, Mohammed Adel was picked up in downtown Cairo by state security and kept under arrest in an unknown place for a month before ANHRI found out he was at the headquarters of the state security in Madinat Nasr, where he remained under arrest for another month. He was charged with following a banned group, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hoda Nasrallah, a lawyer with the ANHRI's legal aid unit, said, "In spite of the decision to release him, we will go ahead with the case against the minister of interior. The minister, along with his aides, kidnapped Adeland detained him in an illegal place. We will sue them until they learn to respect the law."

Adel is the third person charged in a case fabricated by state security against Dr Gamal Abdel Salam and blogger Abdel Aziz Migahid, both of whom have been released.

For more information about the case, see:

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