Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AAC Documents Episcopal Church's Corruption

In a document available here The American Anglican Council describes how the leadership of The Episcopal Church has been systematically destroying the foundations of Anglican Christianity within the United States, and tearing the fabric of the Anglican Communion to shreds. Through the following sections, we will demonstrate, through the words of TEC leaders, their actions and their defiance of both the Bible and the instruments of Anglican unity, why orthodox Anglicans in North America were led to form the Anglican Church in North America in order to preserve and promote an Anglicanism that is truly Biblical, missionary and united.

Catalogue of Heresies
Quoting Episcopal Church leaders denying Jesus as the only way to the Father, denying the divinity and uniqueness of Jesus Christ, denying the Resurrection, denying heaven and hell, denying salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ, denying the authority of Holy Scripture, denying the Creeds, and denying Biblical standards for human sexuality.

We also document the fruits of TEC‘s new theology—which include a refusal to reaffirm the historic articles of the Christian faith, syncretism, the promotion of abortion, weakening traditional marriage, promoting same sex blessings and other sexual aberrations, communion for the unbaptized, and accelerating litigation by TEC against the orthodox.

We conclude with the heresies of the current Presiding Bishop, in her own words, an analysis that demonstrates her affirmation of the classic heresies of Pelagianism, Marcionism, Pluralism, Universalism and Gnosticism.

Read it all.

Also read Archbishop Akinola's letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury here.

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