Sunday, January 25, 2009

Anglican Church in North America Taking Applications

The process for applying to be recognized as a diocese, cluster or network of the Anglican Church in North America is now available.

Recognized dioceses, clusters and networks will be able to fully participate in the inaugural convention of the Anglican Church in North America this June in Bedford, Texas.

In many cases, existing groups of churches, already organized and under the authority of a bishop, will apply for recognition. Those forming new groups will need to begin the process of organizing themselves, selecting leadership and building a common life.

No parish or other body will be “assigned” to a diocese, cluster or network unilaterally. Instead, the process of organizing is built on the principles of “invitation” and “blessing.” All are invited to participate in the formation of a particular diocese, cluster or network. Those working to form new dioceses, clusters, or networks are asked to bless congregations which choose to remain in their existing structure rather than participate in a new group.

“This is an exciting time for those who have worked and prayed for so many years that we might have a united Anglican home in North America. May God guide all of us as we begin this work,” said Bishop Robert Duncan, archbishop-designate of the Anglican Church in North America.

A letter from Bishop Duncan introducing the application process is here (pdf).

The guidelines for the application process are here (pdf).

The Application for Recognition is here (pdf).

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