Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tsar Nikolai's Remains Confirmed

American experts are certain that the “first” burial site near Yekaterinburg contained the authentic remains of Tsar Nikolai II of Russia according to Dr Michael Coble, the research director at the US Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory, "We examined three types of DNA and compared them to the DNA of Tsarevich Aleksei, the son of Nikolai II, and Andrei Romanov, a cousin of Nikolai II. If we look at the results of all three DNA tests, there can be no more doubt [as to the authenticity of the remains]", Professor Coble told journalists in Yekaterinburg.

He also noted that tests on the DNA of the tsar’s remains and the DNA found in a bloodstain on a jacket worn by Nikolai II, preserved at present in the Hermitage in St Petersburg, are now complete, and the Sverdlovsk oblast forensic medical bureau shall issue its report at a later date. The bloodstain on the jacket was a result of an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Nikolai II in 1891.

Read it all here.

For a report on the miraculous Icon of Saint Nikolai II, go here.

Tsar St Nikolai Aleksandrovich the Royal Martyr and Passionbearer extended from his personal funds generous financial assistance in the establishment of the Orthodox Church in the US and Canada. His remains were first discovered in 1991.

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