Saturday, December 6, 2008

Provisional Canons of ACNA

Nine Provisional Canons of The Anglican Church in North America

1. Definition of a Diocese, Cluster or Network:
A diocese, cluster or network is a grouping gathered for mission under the oversight of a bishop consisting of a minimum of twelve congregations with an Average Sunday Attendance (“ASA” calendar year) of at least fifty each and a collective ASA of at least 1,000. These requirements may be modified on a case-by-case basis by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Provincial Council.

2. Representation at the Provincial Assembly:
Every diocese, cluster or network has representation at the Provincial Assembly at the basic level of its bishop(s), two clergy and two lay persons. For dioceses, clusters or networks with an ASA in multiples of 1,000, there will be an additional cleric and lay person for each additional 1000 ASA.

Each diocese, cluster or network shall make application to the Provincial Council for certification of the number of allowable delegates to the initial Provincial Assembly. Upon certification of the allowable number of delegates their election shall be reported to the Provincial Council no later than 30 days prior to the Provincial Assembly.

3. Representation of a Diocese, Cluster or Network “In Formation”:
A diocese, cluster or network “in formation” may apply to the Provincial Council for temporary “in formation” status. If the application is approved by a majority vote of the Provincial Council, the Archbishop may appoint a Vicar General to assist in leading the diocese, cluster or network “in formation” to final qualification as a diocese, cluster or network in the Province. The diocese, cluster or network “in formation” shall be represented in the Provincial Assembly by the

Vicar General and one clergy and one lay person. No diocese, cluster or network “in formation” shall be continued under this provision for more than five years.

4. Of Bishops and Their Election
Bishops shall be chosen by a diocese, cluster or network in conformance with their respective procedures and consistent with the Constitution and Canons of the Province. Eligibility for bishop must include being a duly ordained male presbyter of at least 35 years of age, who possesses those qualities for a bishop which are in accordance with Scriptural principles, and who has fully embraced the Fundamental Declarations of this Province.

An electing body shall certify the election of a bishop for consent by the College of Bishops, or may certify two or three nominees from which the College of Bishops may select one for the diocese, cluster or network.

Where the originating body is “in formation,” that body shall normally nominate two or three candidates, from whom the College of Bishops may select one.

Consent or, choice and consent, shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the College of Bishops, which consent shall be given within 60 days and in

Upon the consent or choice of a bishop-elect by the College of Bishops, the Archbishop shall take order for the consecration and/or installation of such bishop.

In the event the bishop-elect or the nominees are rejected by the College of Bishops, the College shall so inform the originating body in writing.

5. Of Congregational Property
All congregational property, both real and personal, owned by each member congregation now and in the future is and shall be solely and exclusively owned by each member congregation and shall not be subject to any trust interest or any other claim of ownership arising out of the canon law of the Province. No diocese, cluster, or network (whether regional or affinity based) may assert a trust claim over the real and personal property of its parishes without the express written consent of the congregation.

A valid trust claim existing in favor of a diocese, cluster, or network (whether regional or affinity
based) at the time of admission to the Province shall not be made invalid by the forgoing

6. Of Prayer Book and Common Worship
The Book of Common Prayer as set forth by the Church of England in 1662, together with the Ordinal attached to the same, are received as a standard for Anglican doctrine and discipline, and, with the Books which preceded it, as the standard for the Anglican tradition of worship.

The Prayer Book and Common Worship Task Force of the Common Cause Partnership, continued as a standing committee of this Church, will develop a resource for Common Worship for Provincial events and to be commended for wider use throughout the Province.

All Books of Common Prayer and liturgies previously authorized by the originating jurisdictions shall be permitted in use for this Church.

7. Of the Ordination of Deacons and Presbyters
Every Bishop shall take care that he admit no person into holy orders but such as he knows either by himself, or by sufficient testimony, to have been baptized and confirmed, to be sufficiently instructed in Holy Scripture and in the doctrine, discipline and worship of this Church, as defined by this Province so as to be a wholesome example and pattern to the entire flock of Christ.

No person shall be ordained a Deacon or Presbyter in the Church until such person shall have subscribed without reservation the following declaration: “I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary to salvation, and I consequently hold myself bound to conform my life and ministry thereto, and I do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Anglican Church in North America.”

8. Stewardship and Provincial Financing and Budget
The Biblical principles of tithing shall be taught and encouraged at every level within the Province.

The Provincial Executive Committee, with the assistance of the Financial Vision and Stewardship Task Force, shall develop the program and budget of the Province based on commitments of the dioceses, clusters and networks, plus other monies raised. The program and budget shall be presented annually to the Provincial Council for adoption.

9. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have authority to carry out the work of the Province between meetings of the Provincial Council.

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