Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chinese Security Police Deployed Worldwide

China will send additional police officers to liaison with security forces in countries facing major terror threats, in a bid to boost cooperation and head off attacks, the Public Security Ministry said Wednesday.

An announcement on the ministry's Web site said police officers already posted abroad had played a key role in heading off attacks on Chinese diplomatic missions and financial institutions. The notice did not provide details.

Without naming specific countries, the ministry said police officers would be dispatched to those where "anti-terrorism tasks are relatively heavier."

Separately, it said a police unit would be sent to Australia and other countries that are home to large numbers of Chinese students and immigrants.

The announcement, dated Tuesday, follows on the heels of the terrorist attacks in neighboring India. No Chinese were reported killed or injured in the attacks, blamed by India on Pakistan-based Islamic militants.

According to the official China Daily newspaper, China dispatched its first police liaison to the United States in 1998 and now has a total of 30 posted to 19 different countries.

Read it all here.

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