Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gene Robinson Urges Catholics to Ordain Women, Gays

CHESAPEAKE, Va. (Catholic Online) - For years, openly homosexual activist Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson has not been satisfied with informing the entire world of his homosexual sexual practices. Instead he has sought to lead a crusade within his own Christian community to change the 2000 year old teaching of Christianity. The Bishop threw the Episcopal Church and the global Anglican Communion into its current state of upheaval when he was consecrated to the episcopacy in 2003 as an openly practicing homosexual. He did not pledge celibacy but continued to live with his homosexual paramour.

Among many actions overtly intended to promote his heresy and clear agenda, he went on National television and announced his plans to enter a Civil Union with his male partner to Matt Lauer of NBC earlier this year. He had signaled the action in 2007 at Nova Southeastern University’s Shephard Law Center, where he announced with pride, "I always wanted to be a June bride."

The Bishop seems to relish his position at the cutting edge of the ongoing schism within the global Anglican Communion. In fact, he fosters it. He clearly wants to be a controversialist. He is a major leader in a cultural revolution being led by activist, practicing homosexuals who not only want to live their chosen sexual lifestyle but force the State and the Church to give their relationships equal status to marriage under civil and canon law.

In that NBC interview he painted himself as some new kind of “martyr”. With condescension he presented faithful orthodox Christians who oppose his active homosexual relationship - as well as his calls for the State and the Church to give legal and moral equivalency between homosexual partners and married couples - as unenlightened, bigoted and discriminatory. The Bishop preaches what St. Paul warned of in his letter to the Galatians as “another Gospel” (Galatians 1:6). He claims he is following the Holy Spirit in calling for this radical revision of Christian orthodoxy. Yet, he argues against the clear teaching of the Scriptures and unbroken Christian Tradition that reserve sexual activity to the loving, lifelong marriage bond between a married man and woman.

He publicly entered into a “Civil Union” union with his male paramour, Mark Andrew, in a private ceremony conducted by a Justice of the Peace on Saturday June 7, 2008. He then quickly made it all so public through a media campaign. Robinson is a vocal proponent of the homosexualist equivalency movement, calling on Courts and legislatures to engage in some form of new alchemy that such relationships are what they never can be, a true “marriage”.

He is a leader of the equivalency movement among a fringe element of the homosexual movement. He is also the author of a book which he seems to believe is some kind of “manifesto” for a new order, "In the Eye of the Storm". In it he defends the proposition that homosexuality, a practice which involves chosen sexual conduct between members of the same sex, should be given protected legal status under anti-discrimination and civil rights laws in the same manner as race or gender.

Now Bishop Robinson intends to make the Catholic Church his new mission field for his crusade. In a report first confirmed by the Associated Press and confirmed in numerous Press and Media venues, Bishop Robinson has acknowledged that he led a “confidential retreat” of 75 Roman Catholic Priests in 2005 at which he encouraged their open dissent from the teaching of the Church and their overt disobedience to their vowed celibacy. His intention now seems to be to take his self styled libertine revolution into the Catholic Church.

The retreat occurred with no approval from any Bishop or religious superior of the men who attended. Among the many suggestions and instructions he gave to the priests in attendance was to tell them, “It's too dangerous for you to come out as gay to your superiors, but I believe that if you work for the ordination of women in your church, you will go a long way toward opening the door for the acceptance of gay priests."

Read it here.

Note that Robinson believes that the strategy that worked in the Episcopal Church to ordain women priests, thereby breaking the back of catholic orders, will work in the Catholic Church. This is yet another admission of a well-orchestrated movement in TEC to destroy the catholic integrity of Anglicanism in America, and unfortunately, it worked. In January of 1977, the first month women could be canonically ordained, the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Jr., Bishop of New York, ordained as 'priest' Ellen Marie Barrett, who served as Integrity's first co-president. Read about it here.

The new Anglican Province in North America which will be recognized by the Anglican Primates probably as early at January 2009 attempts to put Anglicanism back on its feet after 40 years of systematic undermining of order and doctrine by gay activists.

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