Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Atheists Have Consciences Too

I really like Dr. Beverly B. Nuckols, a Texas Physician, who recently wrote this at her blog:

I've commented on the surprising accusation that protection of the consciences of physicians is anti-gay as well as anti-abortion by the pro-abortion faction. Now, the atheists are chiming in, claiming over and over that it's just the Christians who might refuse to perform abortions and object to calling abortion standard reproductive care.

"Pharyngula," is the blog of PZ Myers, who teaches biology at the Morris campus of the University of Michigan. Dr. Myers is one of the sources of the mocking of the Catholic communion and a "Red Letter," evangelical, atheist. He's also notorius for being banned from the local free showing of "Expelled, the Movie."

His blog post, "I don't want to be healed by Jesus, I want real medicine," advocates the view that "the religious" are the only people who would advocate for regulations protecting the jobs and licensure for people who conscientiously do not perform or refer for abortion.

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