Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pastoral Care of Gypsies

The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People in collaboration with the German Bishops' Conference has organized the Sixth World Congress of the Pastoral Care of Gypsies in Freising (Germany) September 1-4.

The theme "Young Gypsies in the Church and in the society", is inspired by the message for World Day of the Immigrant and Refugee 2008, where Pope Benedict XVI urged the community to integrate the young immigrants.

Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People introduced the Congress talking about the role that young gypsies are called to develop in the Church and in society.

Bishops, pastoral agents and representatives of Gypsies have been invited to the conference from the 25 nations where there is a pastoral care for them. More than 150 participants will undertake an investigation of the spiritual and material needs of young gypsies, to expose and heal disadvantages that objectively weigh on them, and, in turn, identify the most appropriate means with which to sustain its human development and religious needs, and eventually encourage greater participation in projects, decisions and activities in which they are involved.

There are currently nearly 36 million Gypsies in Europe, America and some countries in Asia. "There are an estimated 18 million Gypsies in India.

Read it all here.

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