Friday, September 19, 2008

Not ALL Episcopal Bishops are Idiots

According to an "unofficial report" by Anglican journalist, George Conger, the Episcopal bishops of the following dioceses voted "NO" to the deposition of Bishop Bob Duncan. In a comment at Stand Firm, Conger wrote:

During the post-vote press conference held by the American Anglican Council, Bishop Peter Beckwith said he recalled the following “no” votes...the list is unofficial and he does not recall whether some other likely “no’s” voted no----such as Louisiana. It is a preliminary count.
Dallas suffragan
Western Kansas
Central Florida
South Carolina
Upper South Carolina
SW Florida
New Jersey
Northern Indiana
Virginia coadjutor
Virginia suffragan
Rhode Island
NW Texas
Eastern Tennessee
Western Louisiana
West Texas Rio Grande (Bill Frey acting bishop)

Bishop Iker on action against Bishop Robert Duncan

In business sessions on Thursday in Salt Lake City, a majority of bishops present at the Episcopal Church House of Bishops voted to depose the Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. The vote tally is unnofficially reported as 87 yes, 36 no, 4 abstaining. Bishop Iker was not in attendance, but issued the following brief comment:

In spite of the sham deposition of Bishop Robert Duncan by the TEC House of Bishops, he remains the formidable leader of traditional Episcopalians and loyal Anglicans in North America. Both in his role as Moderator of the Anglican Communion Network and as the lead Bishop in the Common Cause Partnership, Bishop Duncan continues to have the respect of a majority of the Primates and bishops of the entire Anglican Communion, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. In an effort to silence him, this action has only given him greater credibility as the leader of the realignment movement.

The Rt. Rev. Jack Leo Iker
Bishop of Fort Worth

(Editor's note - Pray for the troubled Anglican Communion. Pray for your own church as apostasy spreads.)

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