Monday, September 8, 2008

Moez Masoud: Moderate Muslim Preacher

BOB ABERNETHY, anchor: It's common to hear and read stories about Islamic fundamentalists and their rigid interpretation of the Qu'ran. But we have a story today about transformation in the Islamic Middle East -- moderate Muslims challenging the fundamentalists. The contest is being played out on satellite TV channels where young Muslim televangelists are preaching a combination of piety and modern life. Kate Seelye has our special report from Cairo.

KATE SEELYE: At a cultural center in Cairo, there's a buzz of excitement. Thousands of youth have gathered -- but not for a concert or a play. They've come to hear a lecture by a young Muslim preacher.


SEELYE: He's 29-year-old Moez Masoud, a former advertising executive who turned to religion after the death of several close friends. Masoud opens his lecture with a prayer and an appeal.

MOEZ MASOUD (Muslim Televangelist, speaking to audience, through translator): It's not good to separate religion from life because life will turn into a jungle. Let's take a closer look at religion and it won't seem as so gloomy.

SEELYE: The audience is captivated by his message: it's a call for compassion and love as well as tolerance.

Read it all here.

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