Saturday, September 27, 2008

Miller/Coors Waffles on Sponsorship of Gay Event

SAN FRANCISCO, September 22, 2008 ( - Last year, after horrified Americans bombarded the beer company with complaints, decision makers at the Miller Brewing Company chose to pull the company logo from an offensive advertisement for the Folsom Street Fair, an event which includes full nudity and public sadomasochistic sex acts.

Miller, however, has now flip-flopped on their decision and is once again endorsing the homosexual event, having paid for a full-page advertisement in the 2008 Folsom Street Fair Program Guide.

The brewers landed themselves in hot water last Fall after their logo appeared on the highly controversial front page of the 2007 program guide. The cover photograph was an obvious reenactment of Leonardo da Vinci's famous "Last Supper" painting, except with 13 scantily, leather clad men and women representing Christ and the apostles seated around a table cluttered with sex toys - two of which took the place of the bread and wine. A nationwide boycott of Miller ensued. In response Miller released a statement of apology and had their logo removed from the guide.


The latest word is that Miller/Coors has decided to pull their advertizing for the Folsom Street Fair this year. Readers are urged to contact Miller to confirm this and to encourage them not to support this event.

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